Blogger Network


Are you a UK based blogger? Sign up for free to the Blog Candy Network today to connect with brands, get sneak previews of new products, invited to events, and more.

To sign up fill in the form on this page or send an email to

Don't be shy, we work with small and large blogs alike. Feel free to submit more than one blog if you have one.


What types of blogs do you work with?

We work with all types of UK based blogs, in all niches, from interior design, shopping, fashion, personal finance, technology, health, fitness and many more.

Please feel free to submit your blog whether you are an established blogger, or even if you are just starting out - we are always super happy to connect with you and may have opportunities for you whatever your size.

Do I need to add a link or banner?

No! You are free to link to us or mention us on social media (@SearchCandy) if you like what we do, but we don't require it unlike some blogger networks.
